Part 4 - Rocky Mountaineer Train Journey - Vancouver to Jasper via Kamloops

Tuesday 7 May 2013
We boarded the Rocky Mountaineer (Vancouver to Jasper via Kamloops) to the sounds of Bagpipes and great excitement by everyone.  It was a wonderful experience sitting back and watching the amazing scenery.  Our luggage was taken by truck separate to the train to our overnight hotel in Kamloops.  We were in a double decker glass domed carriage and fed beautiful food and drink all day. There were people from all nationalities on board.   The first day on the train the scenery was interesting, but not spectacular - very rocky along fast flowing rivers. 

We stayed the night at a small town called Kamloops  – the weather had turned very warm and it was 30 degrees in Kamloops that day, but had cooled by the time we arrived. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013
The second day on the Rocky Mountaineer, the scenery became very dramatic with the snow melting off the high peaks (the train doesn’t actually get to the Rocky Mountains until lunch time on the second day)  The weather was so clear, we were able to see Mt Robson, the highest peak in the Rockies rarely seen because of cloud cover – so we were very lucky with the weather the whole way.

We stayed at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge overlooking a beautiful lake and surrounded by snowcapped peaks – picture perfect!  These photos were taken
the next morning after breakfast.

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